Newtin ETA
(Excavators Ticket Assistant)
Newtin ETA is a web app that can be used on any GPS enabled smart devices such as the iPad, iPhone, or Android devices that have an internet connection. Newtin ETA displays all the active DigAlert® tickets within a 1000 feet of your current location. Whether you are questioning why there are marks in a particular area or questioning whether a contractor has a valid ticket, Newtin ETA can lead you to the answer.
- Be a member (in good standing) of Underground Service Alert of Southern California
- Have a GPS enabled smart device with a wireless data plan
- Become a registered user (see below to register)
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How to Register for NewtinETA
If used on a desktop, it will not provide accurate results. When used with a mobile device, results are only as accurate as the GPS on the device.
If used on a desktop, it will not provide accurate results. When used with a mobile device, results are only as accurate as the GPS on the device.